27 Mart 2012 Salı

Wiki Project

I wrote about "Lara Croft" on our classroom wiki webpage. Click on the link below to read it. I didn't just copy everything from Wikipedia. I added my own sentences and set the font and stuff myself. And I think it looks pretty neat because some of the articles really sucked. I mean I'm familiar with these things since I've been using computers for a very long time and I have 4 year old blog. I'm not a web designer but come on, you really could've been more creative. At least you could make your article look a little more attractive you know. You still use bold green comic sans! Lol anyways. Here's mine:


19 Mart 2012 Pazartesi


Yes, i thought a lot and this is the word that truly describes me. I've always liked drawing, painting and doing other creative stuff like this. This drawing thing is what i can do the best. I can sing but i can't be a worldwide singer, i just don't have enough talent. I'm flexible, but i don't think i could ever be a belly dancer. I can act and my friends say i'm funny, but i couldn't be a comedian like Conan. I can write, but i couldn't just write a book like J.K. Rowling. However, i can draw like crazy & i could make a perfect artist. THIS is what i'm truly good at.

Our Digital Storeeey

The audio is really a bit messed up. That's why we couldn't show this video in front of the class but my computer's fan was damaged at that time. I took it from the service yesterday and now it works fine. Anyways.

This animation is something Çiler, Bahar & I made for young learners. I mean "teens." (Because we tried to add some action so as not to make this a lame baby tv animation.)
So this is what came out. Enjoy!

My Podcast

This is my first podcast. I made it in voki. It's a chant about Cinderella who wishes to go to the party that the prince threw but is too busy to go & is too ugly to be there anyway. Click & watch
I was actually gonna put this on the right side of my blog but i forgot to get the embed code and this is the only link i've got.

Wow blogging about a lesson is actually fun by the way. I'm somehow very enthusiastic about it. (Might be because that's the only lesson i'm really successful in. Or i really enjoy myself in i should say.)

Repurposing project

 We don't throw the alcohol bottles away. We use them as vases/decoratives instead.

And these are my hair accessories (don't know the actual names of these lol) hanging on my shelf. Pretty useful right?


I'm not sure if i should use English or Turkish when i'm writing this blog since this is a blog i created for an ELT lesson - Technology Materials (or some stuff. yes, i still don't know the actual name of the lesson) But there it is. My first post. Hi i'm Meryem bla bla bla. This is a kind of blog that i will only update if there's a homework. Because i don't even update my other two blogs (which i made just for fun) enough. So that's pretty much it. Welcome to my boring homework blog! YAY